
悲伤之海 by Thesieryj

美丽的, sad, 情感, romantic music with a beautiful melody for piano and cello in a slow tempo.可以作为电影的配乐吗.
Sales: 1
-轻松,无忧无虑的民谣音乐与温暖的吉他和轻摇器. This shiny bright composition sets an optimistic, 积极的, and cozy mood. 反光、柔软、随和,...
-积极,充满活力,令人振奋的圣诞曲目. Happy and 朗朗上口的旋律 will evoke feelings of joy and happiness.- 完美的 background music for Christmas and New Year video projects. Also...
一个充满活力的积极的公司轨道. 动机气氛. 吉他和钢琴的主节奏. From 1:04 listen to the original 精力充沛的 piano part.乐器:静音吉他,吉他,钢琴,...
Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of this relaxing chillout track. 非常适合在漫长的一天后放松一下, it combines mellow melodies with smooth beats to create a serene ambiance
Prepare to be petrified with this spine-chilling Halloween horror track, 非常适合营造一种令人难以忘怀的怪异氛围. 以不祥的音景为特色
Groove Machine(欢快的Funky)
这是一个乐观,充满活力的轨道,具有朗朗上口的节奏,groovy低音,和充满活力的旋律. 完美的 for 商业s, party scenes, and feel-good videos
Can't Wait (SynthWave Pop)
Immerse yourself in the nostalgic vibes of our Synth Pop track, 拥有丰富的合成器, 朗朗上口的旋律, 还有复古的节奏. 完美的 for evoking the essence of the 80s with a modern twist
Prepare to be petrified with this spine-chilling Halloween horror track, 非常适合营造一种令人难以忘怀的怪异氛围. 带有不祥的音景,幽灵般的低语
感觉氛围是一个电气化的舞蹈槽轨道,完美的让你的观众移动. With pulsating basslines, infectious rhythms, and funky melodies
星空下(LoFi Hip Hop)
这是一个放松的低保真嘻哈轨道,具有醇厚的节拍,温暖的贝斯线,和舒缓的旋律. 完美的 for study sessions, background music, and relaxation
有力而沉重的鼓声,驱动的弦乐,和鼓舞人心的钢琴部分开始. Has a very strong “Hollywood” and “larger than life” sound. 为电影,预告片,和...
Prepare to be petrified with this spine-chilling Halloween horror track, 非常适合营造一种令人难以忘怀的怪异氛围. 以不祥的音景为特色
准备好让自己沉浸在令人毛骨悚然的氛围中,我们的现代万圣节陷阱曲目. Combining eerie melodies, sinister basslines, and haunting beats
Fuego Latino(性感雷格顿)
Fuego Latino是一首性感的雷鬼音乐,以其蒸汽节奏和性感的节拍点燃了舞池. Featuring captivating melodies, irresistible grooves, and a fiery Latin flair
Immerse yourself in the serene and evocative sounds of "Heartbeat Echoes." This ambient pop track blends gentle melodies with lush, atmospheric textures


简而言之, 免版税库存音乐是一种许可类型,允许您一次性支付许可费用并使用音乐,只要您需要. 像Templateog体育首页这样出售这类库存音乐的市场会附上许可证. The latter specifies the way you can use the stock music in your projects, 不管他们需要什么.

Stock “royalty free” music is a great solution due to its versatility. 与其他音乐渠道相比, its cost varies from $25 to $100 per track for a wide range of applications.


Royalty free stock music can greatly benefit many industries.

如果你是一个独立的承包商,正在寻找一个能让你的生活更轻松的解决方案, 你来对地方了. Royalty-free music marketplaces and themes themselves are way easy to use. 它们是按体裁分类的, moods, 和仪器, 因此,找到合适的产品是一秒钟的问题.

在预算有限的大型媒体公司工作,你必须处理授权和版权问题. Whereas using royalty-free stock music brings huge relief. Besides, 如果你同时管理几个项目, you need access to a large library with all imaginable sounds. 这就是库存音乐库派上用场的地方.


如果你的公司提供电话服务, 你需要照顾那些, 出于某种原因, are placed on hold during the phone call or should wait until the line is open. 你能做的就是设置一个系统,让音乐在顾客等待的时候播放. 有很多免费音乐可供选择, you can pick the one that will not make your clients go crazy.

有 an almost endless list of royalty free music usage cases. 除了上面提到的那些, 股票音乐适合于有声读物和播客, 公司的视频, 个人, 以及专业网站.


Using royalty-free stock music brings users a lot of benefits.

  1. 音乐主题允许您在尽可能多的项目上使用音乐,这对于需要相同风格的背景音乐的众多视频项目尤其方便.
  2. 您通常可以在购买之前下载预览曲目在项目中试用.
  3. You get a wide range of royalty-free stock music of different genres. 我们选择与可靠的供应商合作,并精心挑选所有的音乐交付到我们的市场. So, you can be sure you’ll get only professionally created content.
  4. 股票音乐主题是一种负担得起的方式,这对于那些制作预算有限的人来说尤其重要.
  5. Using non copyrighted music is legal which means you don’t do anything illegal, like leveraging copyrighted music without permission.
  6. 音乐模板的价格是透明的, 没有隐性成本, 额外的版税费用,使您能够以您在市场上看到的价格获得产品.

So, if the user expects a problem-free and economically viable career in video editing, 视频或播客制作, 订阅免版税的音乐主题并专注于创造无忧无虑的项目是有意义的.



版税或无版权音乐是指没有人拥有所选音乐的版权,也没有义务支付版税. However, 事实是,你想找的音乐, 包括免版税的那个, 是否绝对受版权保护. 其机制是,你购买任何曲目的许可证,即使它是免版税的. 该许可证允许在您的视频中免费使用音乐, whereas the company you get the license from pays the royalties to the artists.


是的,你可以. 免版税音乐意味着你支付一次性的许可费,并在任何你想要的地方使用音乐, 不管目的如何.

What is the difference between royalty-free and stock music?

The difference between stock music and royalty-free one is distinctive. The rights to stock music belong to a particular company, known as a library. 后者选择从独立艺术家那里购买音乐作品,或者雇佣创意人员为其分配项目. 消费者每次想要使用他们已经购买的曲目时,都必须支付额外的费用. When it comes to royalty free stock music, consumers pay a one-time fee only.


所有利基市场的个人和企业都参考库存音乐库来为他们的项目评分. Musicians who create this anonymous background music sometimes make a living on it. 库存音乐库允许音乐家, 作曲家, 而制作人则把他们的歌曲发送到库中,等待可供使用. As soon as musicians build a reputation, the libraries pay them commissions. 后者可以用来制作特定客户要求的特定歌曲.


Even though most royalty-free music comes from stock music libraries, 这两个词不是同义词. Stock music or production music libraries suggest music already in stock or, 换句话说, 已经生产并准备许可和使用. 虽然有些图书馆提供免版税的音乐, 其他则侧重于权利管理模式,并根据使用频率和领土大小收取费用. So, you see that stock production music is not always royalty-free.


  1. 大河 -充满活力的交响弦乐的混合, 强烈的冲击, and arpeggiated pianos that add a 商业 Hollywood sound.
  2. 只是相信 -吉他的混音, piano, strings, pads, 独立鼓非常适合激励视频, 公司介绍, 旅游指南, 以及其他令人振奋的项目.
  3. 提升 — a mix of piano and strings that contribute to an inspiring and 情感 mood.
  4. 解放 -戏剧性的弦乐组合, 潜在的节奏光环, 史诗般的铜管和爆炸的鼓声, 断奏和连奏弦乐, 法国的角, 小号, 低铜, tons of orchestral percussion and digital mayhem that speed up the heartbeat.
  5. 夏天的梦想 -为商业广告,视频,夏季视频,电影和电视节目制作的流行音乐曲目.